by Sandra Suits

"Praegu on mulle kõige tähtsam olla iseenda moodi"
Eesti muusikale oleks sellist soul-funk- plaati päriselt väga vaja!
See on mõnus vaib – soulful upbeat’i tähendusega muusika. Mulle meeldib alati ka bändi salvestada. Seda kindlasti jätkan. Mu abikaasa (trompetist ja heli- looja Jason Hunter – Toim.) teeb ägedaid biite, oleme kodus katsetanud ka seda, et tema teeb biidi ning mina laulan peale.
Selline power-couple koostöö oleks küll vahva. Jääme ootama uusi ja põnevaid uudiseid!
ERR Kultuur - "I AM Soul"
review by Hedvig Hanson

Mida tähendab "parim hääl"? Eks ikka filigraanset häälekasutust – lisaks looduse poolt antud kaunile häälele on Sofia hääles tuhandeid varjundeid, ulatusi, dünaamikat, ühtviisi veenvad on nii tasased õrnad helid kui tugevad hääleavaldused. Tema hääles kajab nii ürgnaiselikkku vastuvõtlikkust kui ka julgust. Lauljatari on hea kuulata esitamas nii džässi, popballaade, juudi rahvalaule kui klubimuusikat ja soul'i. Diapasoon on meeletu.

"Terevisioonis" oli külas Sofia Rubina, kes andis hiljuti välja oma kuuenda albumi "I Am Soul", millelt leiab gospelit, soul'i ja jazz'i. Rubina sõnul on soul ja jazz teda inspireerinud kogu elu.
"Mina olengi hing," kommenteeris Rubina naljatledes oma uut albumit "I Am Soul", millelt leiab kuus originaalset pala ja neli kaverit. "Kindlasti tuleb seal tuttavaid meloodiaid, aga minu vaibis," sõnas Rubina.
Laulja sõnul on soul ja jazz teda inspireerinud kogu elu. "Ma vaatasin just, et mu emal olid Aretha Franklini vinüülid. Biitlite omad ka muidugi," rääkis Rubina ja lisas, et "Yesterday" oli esimene laul, mida ta väiksena konkursil esitas.
interview by Anne Erm
(Jazzkaar Festival Director)

Sofia Rubina esinemist vaadates võib kohe öelda, et ta on päikseline lauljatar – võlub esimestest helidest publikut oma ääretult positiivse ja naerusuise olemisega. See ei tähenda aga, et kõik ta elus ja loomingus tuleks kergelt. Sofia tunnistab, et aastaid närveeris ta enne lavaleminekut ja pea alati hakkas tal kõht kohutavalt valutama. Eriti vastutusrikaste esinemiste eel võtab ta nüüdki ühe lõõgastava tableti.
PARIS-MOVE, November 24th 2023 , USA

Blue Bayou by Thierry de Clement
“A beautiful fusion of world music, R&B, and jazz… both profound and danceable, with a form of dramaturgy that, beyond the singer’s qualities, makes her a truly great performer. It surprises from the very first track. The beautiful energy and extraordinary performances of Sofia Rubina place her on the same level as Tania Maria and artists of that caliber.”
JW Vibe by Jonathan Widran

“Her fourth album, the boldly titled I Am Soul, showcases the expansive emotional range of her voice, her brash wit, lyrical romanticism and impeccable phrasing in a wide range of stylistic settings reflecting a variety of intriguing inspirations.”
“One of the ongoing trends of Rubina’s originals is unbridled optimism, which is not always easy to come by in a complicated world. All of which make a peppy, dreamer soul-stirrer like “Great Life,” the joyfully polyrhythmic and ultra-jazzy celebration of life described in “Morning Etude” and the life and self-affirming adult contemporary gem “Stay True” the most essential parts of this incredible recording.”
"Why is Sofia Rubina's New album
'I Am Soul' So Irresistible?"
by Michael Filip Reed

“I Am Soul” envelops you in its magic, like delicate silk softly wrapping around everything. It’s a beautiful album, and you have the exceptional opportunity to feel every note and emotion conveyed through her creative portrait. I recommend everyone to take a pause, take a deep breath, play “I Am Soul,” and spend a magical evening, relaxing and enjoying Sofia Rubina’s music. It has the power to make your evening unforgettable. Trust me on this.
Soul & Jazz & Funk
by Bill Buckley

‘Great Life’ – a sweet melding of soul and jazz. It’s an optimistic thing that builds and builds.
Making a Scene
by Dee Dee McNeil

“This tiny country [Estonia] offers us the big sound of jazz vocalist, Sofia Rubina. She offers a unique approach to jazzily arranged tunes, including six original songs and she ‘covers’ artists like Bonnie Raitt, Chick Corea and George Duke. Rubina is definitely a stylist… she sounds like herself and has established a vocal presentation that is both unique and singular. Rubina’s voice plays like a saxophone, offering some expressive lines that establish her as an inimitable improvisor."
by Zsuzsanna Hegedüs

"The Universe speaks to you through the sounds of music." This quote from Sofia Rubina (1985) could be the motto of her recently released fantastic album! Sofia's sixth album, “ I Am Soul,” is rich, colorful, and varied, with various funky elements. Her songs are catchy and reflect a joie de vivre that we so desperately need in today's stressful times. Her clear voice, which spans from heights to depths, can do anything!”
JazzQuad (Belarus)
by Leonid Auskern

“Sophia's singing style is noticeably influenced by soul, R&B, and to a lesser extent gospel, combined with classic jazz vocals. This whole diverse mix is inevitably superimposed on the singer’s purely individual moments. The result is both effective and convincing. A very worthy collection and high-class execution.”
by George Harris

“She gets expressive and flexible on “Morning Etude” and passionate for a soulful stirring of “ Unsung
Song,” and giving a rich read on George Duke’s “Someday” with the most jazzy tune being a fluid read of
Chick Corea’s “Open Your Eyes You Can Fly.” Minstrel of the dawn.”
Wild Mercury Rhythm
by C. Michael Bailey

“This trio may be small in force but is large and elaborate in sound, one that is modern adult
contemporary at its core, branching out into rhythm and blues, soul, gospel, and jazz. Well-produced
and executed, I Am Soul, provides a contemporary jazz alternative to the present state of popular music.
Sofia Rubina shaves a layer off of the top and presents it convincingly.”
by Wesley Derbeyshire

"I Am Soul" is a testament to Rubina's authenticity and musical creativity, which certainly resonates with
me on a profound level. Her ability to infuse various musical genres with her unique flair makes her a
standout artist in today's music landscape. There is a smooth and pop element while also permeating
elements of blues, gospel, fusion, R&B, among other textures. This is an album that distinctly conveys
the joy of living.”